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NLD MOD Client 1.4


Finally! It is now here, the long awaited anti rollback v2 bypass is now implemented into NLD as a sweet one touch process!

Thanks to jcase for spending his time in figuring out how to beat the anti rollback, a job more than well done! 

Yes, that's right, select your preferred target firmware and hit one button, sit back and watch the show! Rollback works for both the bird and the RC.

The entire firmware flashing part of NLD has been re-written as the old code was OK but not the coolest thing that we have ever seen either.
It now works fabulously and now verifies that the firmware flashed to the device is OK and consistent.
If written firmware is not validated as OK, NLD will restart the flashing procedure without having to reboot the device and the risk of bricking it.

The ONLY way you should be able to brick your drone now is if you actually decide for yourself to turn it off while flashing or leave it with a drop dead battery.
The battery level will be taken care of in the next release so that it will not be possible to initiate the flashing procedure if  the target device battery levels are too low. 

Knock you selves out, it just works! 

While everyone has to understand that is a fantastic new version there is also another thing we would like to address.
That is in particular the long wait and the postponed release dates! 

We are very sorry for all that but we can assure you that we did what we did for a reason and that it will now show its worth in this release. 

At first we had it going but then a windows developer preview update came along and literally messed up everything on my dev box. Especially USB COM ports were messed up and that is exactly what NLD / Assistant are using for the communication layer. 

Little did I know that this stupid update threw in some gravel and I wasted 2 days understanding absolutely ZERO!

While testing the at the time final release we decided that we were not happy with it in terms of stability and error handling. It basically ended up in that I spent the whole night time completely recoding the firmware flashing part of NLD. 

Firmware flashing is a delicate matter and we really do not want to be blamed for bricking anything.

When all the excuses has been layed out I would also like to say that we will probably, most likely, be a little more cautious announcing a release dates in the future ;)
Again, we are very sorry for the confusion.

Please hurry up and downgrade and don't forget to send us some feedback on!
We love your feedback and we try to implement as much as possible as fast as possible but also in such a way that it makes sense for NLD as an entity with the users. 


Happy 2018 guys!
...after a little bumpy start, I would say that from an NLD standpoint it seems to be a fantastic year!


/Jeff, David and Quad808

Change Log
Full support for latest Mavic 2 firmware 01.00.0797 added
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