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New options available in the latest NLD GO 4.1.22 for Android -

Matioupi and crew have been hard at work to bring you some great new features, as well as some hidden ones too…..check this out:

This one has a couple of new things...future GALILEO satellite support, as well as turning off DJI's AeroScope. (This is the digital license plate "feature" that DJI forces on you in GO....well no more) It is disabled by default in this GO, and of course, with all our GO versions, FCC mode is on by default. Now we have a seperate CS supported version, with Google Maps! (CS ROOT REQUIRED)

One thing you must do to get the most out of this GO version is to download SRTM "tiles" for your flying area. This gives you REAL TIME displaying of AGL height over changing terrain. (this is OPTIONAL to do, but it's very, very cool) We will have detailed instructions for setting up this awesome feature in another blog posting, as well as in the guide shortly.

Boost and the 32 channel hack is now enabled again! It's configured from the /DJI/og_settings/datalink.settings.json (in your Android filesystem), no more cryptic .DJI.config. Just edit the file with a text editor, find the variable called "boost" and set this to True to enable the 1.5W boost feature to get even more range than FCC mode. Boost tested and working on Mavic, and 32 channel tested on P4P. NOTE! This feature runs the RF chips at their max voltages and as such generates a LOT more heat. Its not advisable to use this mode in very hot climates as the small internal cooling fan may not be able to cope with the extra heat. Run this boost mode at your own risk.

NLD GO 4.1.22 is ready for patching, so go get it and check it out.  *Oh yes, we forgot one more great can now intstall NLD GO 4.1.22 alongside of stock GO - if you need to.  This is not recommended to do if you ever allow stock GO internet access, since DJI will have access to your data.*


-Quad808 and the rest of the crew here at NLD

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Full support for latest Mavic 2 firmware 01.00.0797 added
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