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The COM Port Errors are DEAD! Long Live the COM Ports!
The COM Port Errors are DEAD! Long Live the COM Ports!

Today brings a little unscheduled release from the NLD team and one that you will all be pleased about! We have FINALLY fixed the COM port errors which have stopped so many of you guys from enjoying the NLD mod client to its fullest and indeed has been the #1 ticket raised to our support team.

Recent Email + Support Issues & News
Recent Email + Support Issues & News

Hi all. It was brought to our attention during the day on 23/04 that our ticketing system and indeed the NLD shop wasn’t sending out emails as intended. This meant that new users registering for support couldn’t confirm their email address and so the tickets didn’t get logged into our system.

Update on New Version
Update on New Version

Just wanted to leave a short note regarding the status of the re-write to the NLD client teased a few days ago. Progress is going well and we are still furiously writing code to bring you the next iteration of the NLD client.

Sorry For The Downtime!
Sorry For The Downtime!

Just a quick note to apologise for the extended period of downtime today, this was caused by an issue at our hosting provider and so was unfortunately outside of our control.

NLD Development Plans & COM Port Issues
NLD Development Plans & COM Port Issues

If you take a look back through the NLD blog, occasionally we drop some hints on our next project or addition for the app. These usually are driven by what the goals that the community as a whole is driving towards. The thing about any drive is that along the way your route can change…

New videos posted!
New videos posted!

We have received some fantastic videos from Cruzroy on how to use NLD, including a video showing some of the mods in action.

Site down and now back up again!
Site down and now back up again!

NLD were down today for a couple of hours but is now back online and in full operation.

Thank you all for your help!
Thank you all for your help!

We are working on the next update which willl be a little "boring".
Nothing new and fancy but only bug fixing and other improvements.

Mavic AIR support?
Mavic AIR support?

We finally received our Mavic AIR today!
It turns out that a lot have changed and yet so much are still the same :)

New release comming up and some snazzy news!
New release comming up and some snazzy news!

New release on it's way and snazzy news about LIVE streaming from the bird to NLD!